Tuesday, February 23, 2016

explanatory synthesis notes

For this paper i want to explain why GMFs are so controversial and why this newer technology isnt widely excepted, but why it is necessary. I am going to first explain what GMFs are and how they are made or produced. The next part of the paper will explain why people are not totally backing these foods. The first reason i will talk about is that people are worried about health risks. So i will talk about how the different proteins and DNA effect people. The second largest reason is religious concerns and to be more specific the religion of Islam and the teachings of the Koran. The last is the morality of GMO food on the livestock that are modified and on the animals in the wild that eat corn or soybeans.

M. A. Martens Safety evaluation of genetically modi®ed foods
This exert has alot of valuable information in it about studies that show the effects of eating GMFs. It would be useful because it references studies done to rats eating GMF onions and how it effects there growth rate. The artical also gets into very in debt specifics about different DNA effects on human digestion.

‘‘First Things First’’: Application of Islamic Principles of Priority in the Ethical Assessment of Genetically Modified Foods
Many people in the Islamic world have the same worries as everyone else around the world. The safety morality ect. but what may be different is that they are altering gods creations. Even though this may be seen as a problem it seems to be being looked over because of the need of more food. Also many cases show that Islamic people kind blend modern thinking into this kind of tech

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